Page 23 - PT Trim by LIZ (Not The Former UK PM) : Flip It & Read It
P. 23

All you have to do is lower your "set point" and the extra weight will
            start coming oé...

            Usually within the êrst 24 hours.

            All you have to do is focus on this ONE thing…that's it.

            Most people are so stressed out trying to êgure out what diet they
            should follow…

            What type of exercise they should

            If they should go low carb or plant

            If they need to skip meals…

            How many days a week they should
            do cardio…

            They're worried about all these
            diéerent things…

            That burn you out…

            When the truth is, you can forget about ALL of that…

            You can stop worrying…

            Because all you have to do is adjust your "set point", which you can do
            in less than 10 seconds a day…

            So your body naturally starts burning fat again and everything else will
            take care of itself.

                Your belly fat will start melting

                  Your jeans will start feeling looser around the waist and thighs…
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