Page 25 - PT Trim by LIZ (Not The Former UK PM) : Flip It & Read It
P. 25
I know that probably sounds too good to be true…
And I thought the exact same thing, until I saw it êrsthand for myself.
You see, as I was getting ready to
leave the doctor's oìce...
He wrote something
on a small slip of
paper and passed it
over to me…
"Purple tea???" I said, shocked…
"Yes", he replied…
"Purple tea—have you ever
heard of it?"
I had been drinking tea for
Green tea…
Black tea…
But I'd never heard of purple tea.
"It's new", he said…
“I like to call it “Trim Tea” because every single one of my patients
who’s tried it…
Has gotten leaner and thinner incredibly fast”
It’s like lipo without the painful surgery and expensive medical costs.