Page 46 - PT Trim by LIZ (Not The Former UK PM) : Flip It & Read It
P. 46

I doubted myself for so long, I failed so many times, I started to think
            there was something wrong with me. There wasn’t. 

            I just didn’t understand why my body was holding onto so much fat.
            Now I know. 
            And I’m so thankful Liz decided to share her story. Without it, I don’t
            know where I’d be today.

            That's when I knew we were on to something big…

             So I took this new and rare purple

                     recipe and nicknamed it

                  PT Trim Fat Burn…

            The PT stands for purple tea…

            And it trims and burns the fat oé your belly.

                 It's the only rapid fat-burning formula
               that uses the hidden power of purple tea
                          to lower your "set point"...

            So you can lose 20, 40, even 60 or more pounds…

            Without going on another crash diet…

            Without skipping meals…

            And without giving up your favorite foods forever.

            Now, to be completely honest and transparent…
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